Saturday 2 January 2016

Structural BQ

Bills of Quantity (BQ) Structural Work is the calculation and manufacture of work items structure consisting of:

  1. Earthworks
  2. Concrete work; The foundation work, sub-structure and the upper structure
  3. Coordination of work (between main contractors and sub-contractors)
  4. BWIC work (Build work in Connection); namely costs prepared to overlap a job that requires extra charge

Note for earthwork are:

  • The original ground surface peil calculated the average of peil + 0,00 (see site)
  • The volume of excavation, urugan calculated net, no extras for the workplace
  • Excavation unit price already includes the preparatory work, the risk of avalanches, the volume for the workplace
  • Pek.urugan unit price already includes compaction layer by layer
  • Exiles ground out project / bring soil from the outside has included street cleaning or if it needs to be dry pit.
  • Dewatering work has included water discharge permit out location and does not interfere with the flow of water in the environment
  • Unit price already includes the necessary tools and the appropriate drawings specifications

Item Earthworks

  1. Cleaning Location; Clearing the site of debris, grass etc dumped out the project site
  2. Open Cut Excavation work; Open cut excavation work, including waste at the site (location to be determined) for urugan and remaining in the exhaust to the outside site, the following aids and accessories
  3. Excavation work; Excavation work, including waste at the site (location to be determined) for urugan and remaining in the exhaust to the outside site, the following aids and completeness.
  4. Sand Fill; Sand fill is thick: 10 cm, including compaction, means of the following tools supplies equipment according to specifications and drawings.
  5. Anti-termite work; Anti termites on the floor and walls of the basement, including tools - tools, equipment supplies as per the specifications and drawings.
  6. Dewatering jobs; Dewatering System, including tools - tools, equipment supplies as per the specifications and drawings (Contractors are asked to attach a price breakdown).

Concrete work
Note Prices for Concrete Work is:

  • Concrete unit price already includes all the necessary things, such as: test concrete cubes, watering, connections cessation of making concrete trenches, the slope of the level, and so on.
  • Concrete unit price already includes aditive.
  • The unit price of concrete has included the provision of holes sparing M / E
  • steelwork unit price already includes everything needed, such as: fabrication, iron chicken legs, advocate, residual waste (waste), the wire binder / bendrad, etc.
  • Formwork unit price is inclusive of all things, such as: sparing, forming oblique angles to the beam, ramp, skoor (beam amplifier, etc.)
  • Unit price mix water tight intergal waterproofing additive camplast (calculated based on the volume of concrete)
  • Volume is calculated net working floor (not reduced by extensive pile foundation)
  • Unit price already includes the necessary tools and according to the specifications and drawings.

Concrete Work Item

  1. Structural Work Under; consisting of work Pile Cap and Tie beam
  2. Structural Work Basement; Shearwall, basement walls, plate, beams, ramp, lift pits, pit sum etc.
  3. Structural Work Top; Plate, beams, columns, Stairs

Please feel free to structure BQ example can be downloaded here

Engineering, Economics & Business
Aam Hermawan

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