Saturday 2 January 2016

Preliminaries BQ

In a previous article I describe the subject already Bills of Quantity (BQ) and in this occasion will specifically discuss the Preliminary BQ ie List Item jobs and quanitity linkup job in preparation and infrastructure to support the activities of a project or a job.

A list of work items is the preliminary work:

  1. Project Management and Field Administrative Costs; Contractor must provide the costs incurred to conduct technical personnel and power project leaders in the field who are competent, proficient, master the job and experienced, who will manage the execution of the work and take care of all matters related to its responsibility for this contract, including all administrative costs required for the implementation of the project (Contractors are requested to attach details)
  2. Mobilization and demobilization of equipment; Mobilization and demobilization costs including license fee income working equipment and supplies into the project site and the transfer from one place to another in the location of the work, including its use Tower Crane and Hoist Passenger by another contractor, and removing it after completion of the work. Or, if necessary, with regard to working methods (mail calibration tool). Contractors are asked to attach the details
  3. Safety tools; Contractor is responsible for the procurement of equipment safety as helmets, boots field, raincoat, seat belts, handy talky, and others as necessary for the purposes of the client, QS, Supervisor, Worker and Staff Contractor, as well as to the party Another within the project site. Procurement of regular safety training for workers - labor and parties - other related parties. And the provision of personnel - K3 sufficient specialized personnel during project implementation.
  4. Meeting of the Project; Contractor must provide the necessary facilities including accommodation and meals (snacks) for the implementation of regular meetings in the project with the client, Project Leader, the Consultant and the Contractor other packages (if any).
  5. Security Project; Contractor is responsible for the preservation and protection of jobs that are considered essential for the implementation of the contract giver duties day and night shall not be liable to the contractor for any loss or damage of building materials or equipment or work under implementation. Contractor shall put a guard of trained personnel and insufficient for 24 hours for security guard against theft and the elements that disturb the order including cooperation with the local police force. LOCAL AND SECURITY ENVIRONMENT.
  6. Monthly And Photo - Photo Job Advancement; Contractor shall make a report on a daily, weekly and monthly progress reports as well as the work of other reports. Contractor is obliged to make photo- photo on the progress of work as much as four (4) sets to be submitted every month until the first delivery, as well as every stage of the submission of payment (billing) feat.
  7. The cost of making and printing the Contract Documents; The cost of making and printing copies of the Contract Documents 5 (five) complete with drawings in connection with it (such as stamp duty).
  8. Pictures procurement information (For Construction); Procurement image information (for construction) for implementation (design intent) as many times as necessary for the purposes of field work including two (2) sets the purposes of supervision.
  9. Making the drawings (Shop drawings); Making the working drawings (shop drawing) following detailed calculations or calculations that as many as three (3) sets, to be approved and Construction Management or Task Giver.
  10. Making the drawings done (as built drawings); Making the drawings done (as built drawings) of 1 (one) set of tracing and four (4) sets the blueprint. Including CD
  11. Examples Materials, Brochures and Testing; Procurement of samples of materials and brochures desired by Task giver must be provided without delay, at the expense of Contractor. Examples of the proposed must conform to standards and Technical Requirements Implementation and taken by road or a way such that it can be considered that the substance or the job is exactly what will be used in the execution of the job later.
  12. Examination and Testing of Materials; In submitting its bid, Contractor must quantify all the costs of testing various materials and work. Contractor remains responsible also for the costs of testing return of materials and work that does not meet the desired requirements.
  13. Consultant's Office on the Ground; Manufacture of office while the Consultant and Consultant others in the field along with all the necessary facilities such as Electricity, Water, Telephone, Air Conditioning, Toilet, Tables, Chairs, Filing Cabinet, and supplies other support, including the costs incurred for the use of electricity and telephone for projects underway, following maintenance during the project, and move to other places in the work location when there are orders, unload after completion of the work and the repair / trims around the office location (as explained in the specifications and instructions).
  14. P3K and Safety; Procurement of equipment P3K and prevention equipment against fire (fire extinguisher) that protects all areas of projects as recommended by insurance companies against employment and government institutions authorized, providing personnel trained for the purpose above during the period of project implementation with the training of DPK at least 3 times during the project, and cooperation with local hospitals.
  15. Electrical and lighting night; Contractor shall provide temporary power plants or artificial lighting for work purposes and night illumination, including the installation of wires and gauges are used for work or taking power from PLN existing sources are used for needs. All power consumption costs during project implementation including the necessary licenses and perapihan after the work is completed. Great power in order to be taken into account also for contractors - other contractors (subcontractors, NSC, etc.).
  16. Illumination Night; Installation of lights TL 20 W follows pole including cable installation and others, at strategic places along the inner side of the fence project
  17. Working water and sanitary purposes / toilet while; Contractor must provide work for keperluannya water obtained from sources that exist at that location al pantek jet pump wells, or wells in the (deep well), etc. Contractor must make the connections as required or other means to drain the water and pull back when the work is completed and correct any work is disrupted. Provision of clean water sources must be able to serve all other relevant Contractor on this project, including the purposes of employment and labor, during the construction of the project and the water should be completely unfit for the construction and activities of other woods
  18. Phone; Contractor at his own expense should provide Aiphone telephone facilities to be used in this project, including the phone will be used by the Consultant.
  19. Name plate; Contractor should be held and put on board that shows the Project Name Project Name, the client, consultants related, No. Permits, and including the cost to dismantle after the project is completed pembongkarannya become a burden on the Contractor, including billboards levy payments to the local government (if any), during the construction period.
  20. Cleanliness; Contractor shall provide the facilities needed to maintain the condition of the field and the surrounding environment in order to remain clean, including cleaning the tires of vehicles in and out of the project. Contractor should carry out the project and to throw all trash, debris, and materials that are not used regularly during implementation and at the time of completion of the work state of the location should be clean and tidy, including the provision of facilities necessary for that purpose. (Note: the garbage is cleaned every day and in the transport out projects do not contaminate public roads).
  21. Entrance Place of Work and roads while; The entrance to four jobs should be held by the Contractor if necessary adapted to the needs and interests of the project site (casted concrete driveway while). During the construction period the contractor must hold and maintain the entire road - semetara roads, bridges -jembatan, etc. that may be required for entering the job and remove / clean up back at the time of settlement or if ordered also Touch ups all damage caused
  22. Measurement and bouwplank (Setting Out); Contractor shall provide the necessary equipment such as optical measuring instruments, water pass, theodolite, etc., and an experienced surveyor, which at times can be assigned to the measurement of as-as buildings (vertical and horizontal) and for cartography contour of the land in the field.
  23. While Project fence; While Project fence following doors 180 cm tall made of zinc BJLS 30 fitted with a frame and wood skur Borneo including painting and pembongkarannya after no longer needed.
  24. Damage / Losses Against Other Buildings; All damage / loss of the building / installation in the surrounding tissue and networks existing installation of PLN, PAM, PERUMTEL, PU, ​​etc. at the project site within the responsibility of the full implementation of its by Contractor. Contractor must liberate giver task of the demands of Third Party against loss and payment of compensation for any losses, disruptions caused by the vibration, noise, dust, and others, and damage arising as a consequence of the implementation of the development. Contractor is also responsible for the implementation of the cessation of the activities caused and all costs incurred be borne by the contractor concerned.
  25. Displacement networks installation; The removal of tissues such installation above is also the responsibility of the Contractor if the network interfere in the implementation of the project including the maintenance of licenses to the agencies concerned.
  26. CAR and TPL insurance; Contractor shall cover all insurance costs and other expenses in connection with insurance: Insurance jobs Construction All Risk (CAR), Third Party Liability ('WMT) and Personal Accident (PA). The cost of insurance deductible CAR and TPL (if CAR and TPL covered by the giver duties) borne by the Contractor. Employment insurance (ASTEK) for workers and contractor staff working on the project according to the provisions of Law accidents for workers. Insurance owned equipment used in this project.

For example excel format Bills of Quantity (BQ) Preliminary can be downloaded here

Engineering, Economics & Business
Aam Hermawan

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